2013年至今, 第三军医大学基础医学院,教授/研究员/博士生导师
2020年至今, 中国科学院脑科学与智能技术卓越创新中心,骨干
Book chapters
1. Jin W, Qin H, Zhang K, Chen X. (2020) Spatial Navigation. Adv Exp Med Biol 1284:63-90.
Articles and reviews
1. Qin H*, Fu L, Jian T, Jin W, Liang M, Li J, Chen Q, Yang X, Du H, Liao X, Zhang K, Wang R, Liang S, Yao J, Hu B, Ren S, Zhang C, Wang Y, Hu Z, Jia H, Konnerth A, Chen X*. (2022) REM sleep-active hypothalamic neurons may contribute to hippocampal social memory consolidation. Neuron, Accepted.
2. Hu J, Shi Y, Zhang J, Huang X, Wang Q, Zhao H, Shen J, Chen Z, Song W, Zheng P, Zhan S, Sun Y, Cai P, An K, Ouyang C, Zhao B, Zhou Q, Xu L, Xiong W, Zhang Z, Meng J, Chen J, Ma Y, Zhao H, Zhang M, Qu K, Hu J, Luo M, Xu F, Chen X, Xiong Y, Bao J*, Xue T*. (2022) Melanopsin retinal ganglion cells mediate light-promoted brain development. Cell S0092-8674(22)00912-6.
3. Wang M, Liu K, Pan J, Li J, Sun P, Zhang Y, Li L, Guo W, Xin Q, Zhao Z, Liu Y, Zhou Z, Lyu J, Zheng T, Han Y, Zhang C, Liao X*, Zeng S*, Jia H*, Chen X*. (2022) Brain-wide projection reconstruction of single functionally defined neurons. Nature Communications 3:1531.
4. Tang J, Xue R, Wang Y, Li M, Jia H, Pakan J, Li L*, Chen X*, Li X*. (2022) Optical Fiber-Based Recording of Climbing Fiber Ca2+ Signals in Freely Behaving Mice. Biology 11, 907.
5. Liu W, Pan J, Xu Y, Wang M, Jia H, Zhang K, Chen X*, Li X*, Liao X*. (2022) Fast and Accurate Motion Correction for Two-Photon Ca2+ Imaging in Behaving Mice. Front Neuroinform Apr 26.
6. Rao Y, Gao Z, Li X, Li X, Li J, Liang S, Li D, Zhai J, Yan J*, Yao J*, Chen X*. (2022) Ventrolateral Periaqueductal Gray Neurons Are Active During Urination. Front Cell Neurosci 16:865186.
7. Yang Z, Gong M, Jian T, Li J, Yang C, Ma Q, Deng P, Wang Y, Huang M, Wang H, Yang S, Chen X, Yu Z, Wang M, Chen C, Zhang K. (2022) Engrafted glial progenitor cells yield long-term integration and sensory improvement in aged mice. Stem Cell Res Ther 13:285.
8. Lu J, Zhang Z, Yin X, Tang Y, Ji R, Chen H, Guang Y, Gong X, He Y, Zhou W, Wang H, Cheng K, Wang Y, Chen X, Xie P, Guo ZV. (2022) An entorhinal-visual cortical circuit regulates depression-like behaviors. Mol Psychiatry doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01540-8.
9. Xiao W, Jiao ZL, Senol E, Yao J, Zhao M, Zhao ZD, Chen X*, Cao P*, Fu Y*, Gao Z*, Shen WL*, Xu XH*. (2022) Neural circuit control of innate behaviors. Sci China Life Sci 65:466-499. (Review)
10. Zhang K, Förster R, He W, Liao X, Li J, Yang C, Qin H, Wang M, Ding R, Li R, Jian T, Wang Y, Zhang J, Yang Z, Zhang Y, Qin S, Lu Y, Chen T, Stobart J, Weber B, Adelsberger H, Konnerth A*, Chen X*. (2021) Fear learning induces α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated astrocytic responsiveness that is required for memory persistence. Nature Neuroscience 24:1686-1698.
11. Li J, Liu S, Song C, Hu Q, Zhao Z, Deng T, Wang Y, Zhu T, Zou L, Wang S, Chen J, Liu L, Hou H, Yuan K, Zheng H, Liu Z, Chen X, Sun W, Xiao B, Xiong W. (2021) PIEZO2 mediates ultrasonic hearing via cochlear outer hair cells in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118:e2101207118.
12. Zhang JX, He Y, Liang SS, Liao X, Li T, Qiao Z, Chang* C, Jia HB*, Chen X*. (2021) Non-invasive, opsin-free mid-infrared modulation activates cortical neurons and accelerates associative learning. Nature Communications 12:2730.
13. Qin H, He W, Yang C, Li J, Jian T, Liang S, Chen T, Feng H, Chen X, Liao X*, Zhang K*. (2020) Monitoring Astrocytic Ca2+ Activity in Freely Behaving Mice. Front Cell Neurosci. Dec 03
14. Wang M, Liao X*, Li R, Liang S, Ding R, Li J, Zhang JX, He W, Liu K, Pan J, Zhao Z, Li T, Zhang K, Li X, Lyu J, Zhou Z, Varga Z, Mi Y, Zhou Y, Yan J, Zeng S, Liu J, Konnerth A, Nelken I, Jia H*, Chen X*. (2020) Single-neuron representation of learned complex sounds in the auditory cortex. Nature Communications 11:4361.
15. Yang M, Zhou Z, Zhang J, Jia S, Li T, Guan J, Liao X, Leng B, Lyu J, Zhang K, Li Min, Gong Y, Zhu Z, Yan J, Zhou Y, Liu J, Varga Z, Konnerth A, Tang Y, Gao J, Chen X, Jia H. (2019) MATRIEX Imaging: Multiarea Two-photon Real-time In-vivo Explorer. Light Sci Appl 8:109.
16. Qin H, Lu J, Jin W, Chen X, Fu L. (2019) Multichannel fiber photometry for mapping axonal terminal activity in a restricted brain region in freely moving mice. Neurophotonics 6:035011.
17. Li M, Xu H, Chen G, Sun S, Wang Q, Liu B, Wu X, Zhou L, Chai Z, Sun X, Lu Y, Younus M, Zheng L, Zhu F, Jia H, Chen X, Wang C, Zhou Z. (2019) Impaired D2 receptor-dependent dopaminergic transmission in prefrontal cortex of awake mouse model of Parkinson's disease. Brain 142:3099-3115.
18. Yao J, Li Q, Li X, Qin H, Liang S, Liao X, Chen X*, Li W*, Yan J*. (2019) Simultaneous Measurement of Neuronal Activity in the Pontine Micturition Center and Cystometry in Freely Moving Mice. Front Neurosci 13:663.
19. Wu W, Yang Y, Yang Y, Yang Y, Zhang K, Guo L, Ge H, Chen X*, Liu J*, Feng H*. (2019) Molecular Engineering of an Organic NIR-II Fluorophore with Aggregation-Induced Emission Characteristics for In Vivo Imaging. Small 15:e1805549.
20. Ren S, Wang YL, Yue F, Cheng X, Dang R, Qiao Q, Sun X, Li X, Jiang Q, Yao J, Qin H, Wang G, Liao X, Gao D, Xia J, Zhang J, Hu B, Yan JA, Wang YJ, Xu M, Han Y, Tang X, Chen X*, He C*, Hu Z*. (2018) The paraventricular thalamus is a critical thalamic area for wakefulness. Science 362:429-434.
21. Yao J, Zhang Q, Liao X, Li Q, Liang S, Li X, Zhang Y, Li XN, Wang H, Qin H, Wang M, Li J, Zhang J, He W, Zhang W, Li T, Xu F, Gong H, Jia H, Xu X*, Yan J*, Chen X*. (2018) A corticopontine circuit for initiation of urination. Nature Neuroscience 21:1541-1550.
22. Qin H, Fu L*, Hu B, Liao X, Lu J, He W, Liang S, Zhang K, Li R, Yao J, Yan J-A, Chen H, Jia H, Zott B, Konnerth A*, Chen X*. (2018) A visual cue-dependent memory circuit for place navigation. Neuron 99:47-55.
23. Li R, Wang M, Yao J, Liang SS, Liao X, Yang M, Zhang J, Yan JA, Jia H, Chen X*, Li X*. (2018) Two-Photon Functional Imaging of the Auditory Cortex in Behaving Mice: From Neural Networks to Single Spines. Front Neural Circuits 12:33.
24. Guan J, Li J, Liang S, Li R, Li X, Shi X, Huang C, Zhang J, Pan J, Jia H, Zhang L, Chen X*, Liao X*. (2018) NeuroSeg: automated cell detection and segmentation for in vivo two-photon Ca2+ imaging data. Brain Struct Funct 223:519-533.
25. Bu XL, Xiang Y, Jin WS, Wang J, Shen LL, Huang ZL, Zhang K, Liu YH, Zeng F, Liu JH, Sun HL, Zhuang ZQ, Chen SH, Yao XQ, Giunta B, Shan YC, Tan J, Chen X, Dong ZF, Zhou HD, Zhou XF, Song W, Wang YJ. (2018) Blood-derived amyloid-β protein induces Alzheimer's disease pathologies. Mol Psychiatry 23:1948-1956.
26. Zhang K, Chen X*. (2017) Sensory response in host and engrafted astrocytes of adult brain in vivo. Glia 65:1867-1884. (Cover Review)
27. Li J, Zhang J, Wang M, Pan J, Chen X*, Liao X*. Functional imaging of neuronal activity of auditory cortex by using Cal-520 in anesthetized and awake mice. (2017) Biomed Opt Express 8:2599-2610.
28. Zhang QC#, Yao JW#, Guang Y#, Liang SS, Guan JH, Qin H, Liao X, Jin WJ, Zhang JX, Pan JX, Jia HB, Yan JA, Feng ZZ*, Li WB*, Chen X*. (2017) Locomotion-related population cortical Ca2+ transients in freely behaving mice. Front Neural Circuits 11:24.
29. Li J, Liao X, Zhang J, Wang M, Yang N, Zhang J, Lv G, Li H, Lu J, Ding R, Li X, Guang Y, Yang Z, Qin H, Jin W, Zhang K, He C, Jia H, Zeng S, Hu Z, Nelken I, Chen X*. (2017) Primary auditory cortex is required for anticipatory motor response. Cereb Cortex 27:3254-3271.
30. Zhang K, Chen C, Yang Z, He W, Liao X, Ma Q, Deng P, Lu J, Li J, Wang M, Li M, Zheng L, Zhou Z, Sun W, Wang L, Jia H, Yu Z, Zhou Z*, Chen X*. (2016) Sensory response of transplanted astrocytes in adult mammalian cortex in vivo. Cereb Cortex 26:3690-704 (Cover paper).
31. Grienberger C, Chen X, Konnerth A. (2015) Dendritic function in vivo. Trends Neurosci 38:45-54.
32. Dao Duc K, Parutto P, Chen X, Epsztein J, Konnerth A, Holcman D*. (2015) Synaptic dynamics and neuronal network connectivity are reflected in the distribution of times in Up states. Front Comput Neurosci 9:96.
33. Hao Z, Wei L, Feng Y, Chen X, Du W, Ma J, Zhou Z, Chen L, Li W*. (2015) Impaired maturation of large dense-core vesicles in muted-deficient adrenal chromaffin cells. J Cell Sci 128:1365-74.
34. Grienberger C, Chen X, Konnerth A*. (2014) NMDA receptor-dependent multidendrite calcium spikes required for hippocampal burst firing in vivo. Neuron 81:1274-81.
35. Chen X*, Rochefort NL, Sakmann B, Konnerth A*. (2013) Reactivation of the same synapses during spontaneous up states and sensory stimuli. Cell Reports 4:31-9.
36. Busche MA, Chen X, Henning HA, Reichwald J, Staufenbiel M, Sakmann B, Konnerth A*. (2012) Critical role of soluble amyloid-β for early hippocampal hyperactivity in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109:8740-5.
37. Chen X#, Leischner U#, Varga Z, Jia H, Deca D, Rochefort NL, Konnerth A*. (2012) LOTOS-based two-photon calcium imaging of dendritic spines in vivo. Nature Protoc 7:1818-29.
38. Chen X#, Leischner U#, Rochefort NL, Nelken I, Konnerth A*. (2011) Functional mapping of single spines in cortical neurons in vivo. Nature 475:501-5.
39. Jia H, Rochefort NL, Chen X, Konnerth A*. (2011) In vivo two-photon imaging of sensory-evoked dendritic calcium signals in cortical neurons. Nature Protoc 6:28-35.
40. Chen X, Kovalchuk Y, Adelsberger H, Henning HA, Sausbier M, Wietzorrek G, Ruth P, Yarom Y, Konnerth A*. (2010) Disruption of the olivo-cerebellar circuit by Purkinje neuron-specific ablation of BK channels. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:12323-8.
41. Jia HB, Rochefort NL, Chen X, Konnerth A*. (2010) Dendritic organization of sensory input to cortical neurons in vivo. Nature 464:1307-12.
42. Li B, Chen F, Ye J, Chen X, Yan J, Li Y, Xiong Y, Zhou Z, Xia J & Hu Z*. (2009) The Modulation of Orexin A on HCN Currents of Pyramidal Neurons in Mouse Prelimbic Cortex. Cereb Cortex 20:1756-67.
43. Chen X#, Feng YQ#, Hao CJ, Guo XL, He X, Zhou ZY, Guo N, Huang HP, Xiong W, Zheng H, Zuo PL, Zhang CX, Li W & Zhou Z*. (2008) DTNBP1, a schizophrenia susceptibility gene, affects kinetics of transmitter release. J Cell Biol 181:791-801.
44. Chen X, Mu Y, Huang HP, Guo N, Zhang B, Fan SY, Xiong JX, Wang SR, Xiong W, Huang W, Liu T, Zheng LH, Zhang CX, Li LH, Yu ZP, Hu ZA & Zhou Z*. (2008) Hypocretin-1 potentiates NMDA receptor-mediated somatodendritic secretion from locus ceruleus neurons. J Neurosci 28:3202-3208.
45. Huang HP, Wang SR, Yao W, Zhang C, Zhou Y, Chen X, Zhang B, Xiong W, Wang LY, Zheng LH, Landry M, Hokfelt T, Xu ZQ & Zhou Z*. (2007) Long latency of evoked quantal transmitter release from somata of locus coeruleus neurons in rat pontine slices. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:1401-1406.
1. 2012年入选国家高层次引进人才青年项目
2. 2015年获得国家科技部青年973项目
3. 2018年国家自然基金委中国-以色列科学基金合作项目
4. 2019年获得国家杰出青年科学基金
5. 2021年国家重大科研仪器研制项目
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